Bucket List 196: Sierra Leone!
The Road Travelled · Tales From Sierra Leone · Photos
Country 38/196: Sierra Leone. If there is any country in the world perceived more incorrectly than Sierra Leone, I am yet to visit it. Everything that I disliked about neighbouring Guinea and its destitute capital is in stark contrast to the beautiful and welcoming city of Freetown, just two hundred and fifty kilometres further down the coast. The utterly perfect Sierra Leonean coastline is combined with a unique culture and history, unlike any other nation in the region. Be sure to visit the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum for a glimpse into its fascinating past.
The Road Travelled
Tales From Sierra Leone
Guinea all your Lovin’
October 22nd, 2019 Last week, I continued my journey south through three extraordinary West African nations until my beleaguered arrival in the Guinean conurbation of Conakry. This week, I follow the coast from capital to capital, visiting countries with recent histories they would rather forget. Day 15 – Conakry, Guinea Conakry. Not a city with the best of…
Sierra Leone
Country: 38/196 Visited: Autumn ’19