Bucket List 196: Liechtenstein!

 The Road Travelled   ·    Tales From Liechtenstein   ·    Photos

Country 72/196: Liechtenstein. Nestled in the Northern Alps between big brothers Switzerland and Austria, this micronation retains much of its mystery and its history to this day. Largely ruled by the Prince of Liechtenstein, whose family still live in a gothic castle in the capital, not much has changed in this sleepy nation in the past three hundred years apart from the fact it is now exceedingly wealthy. Avoid beers in the smoky bars, or indeed avoid Vaduz completely, and head into the mountains to enjoy a burgeoning winter sports scene. At any other time of year, though, merriment is at a premium. You have been warned.

The Road Travelled

Tales From Liechtenstein

Vaduz it all Mean?

February 13th, 2024 Jack Noah Rees You rejoin us following an extremely restless night on the outskirts of Schaan, Liechtenstein’s most populous municipality, trying and failing to collect countless drips from our increasingly leaky ceiling. Thankfully, the rainstorm we had endured since entering the country had temporarily ceased and we were finally able to inspect the damage thanks to our ingenious…

Leaking in Liechtenstein

January 30th, 2024 Jack Noah Rees While I love a micronation perhaps more than the next man, the prospect of touring the diminutive country of Liechtenstein filled me with even more wonder than usual as she is, without a doubt, the European nation I know the least about and, therefore, the most mysterious. Surely, there would be a plethora of peculiar…




Country: 72/196     Visited: Autumn ’23

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